Photo Sessions on the beach in Gulf Shores


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Photo Sessions on the beach in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach


Photo Sessions on the beach in Gulf Shores

Photo Sessions on the beach in Gulf Shores are a time-honored tradition for many families.  There is no better background for family photos than the beach.  The sunset offers unique lighting that can really add a unique element to your photos that truly make them stand out. Just like love, at first sight, it takes your breath away, leaves you speechless and if only for a moment, slows down time.

Why is it that when our eyes fix onto the warm colors of the setting sun we’re transported to an enchanted world?

Most people can agree that a good sunset holds the power to stop just about anyone in their tracks?  Studies have shown that instances of awe in watching sunsets cause psychological effects that enhance long-lasting satisfaction in life. If that’s not reason enough to stop and appreciate the setting sun, I don’t know what is.

Just like love, at first sight, it takes your breath away.  It can leave you speechless and if only for a moment, slows down time.

In that instant, you feel the love and gratitude for Mother Nature exude from every inch of your body. A sunset possesses the promise of a new day. With the sun’s last rays peeking out from the horizon comes the realization that tomorrow holds endless possibilities. You know it won’t last, but you savor every last bit of that fleeting beauty.

Are you hooked yet?

Let’s schedule your photo session on the beach in Gulf Shores.  It may just be the best part of your vacation!  If you have never taken family photos on the beach, you are in for a real treat.  If you have taken them before, welcome back!

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Photo Sessions on the beach in Gulf Shores are magical!

As a photographer, there are some inherent challenges that must be overcome to produce those amazing photos that you will want to share with your friends and family.  When the lighting is just right, and the equipment is top-notch, the result can look like a painting!

There is only one light source

The sun can be your best friend or your worst enemy.  Most people do not know exactly what it is that makes a photo stand out, they just know that they like it.  I can tell you that in my opinion, the elements of is of a great photo are a delicate balance of lights and darks and color.  It is difficult to describe but when you take a photo you are capturing light.  As a photographer, my job is to capture it correctly.  To much light or shows and the photo is not going to be desirable.  The key is to understand where your light sources are coming from like the reflection from the sand and the sun and use them effectively.  If you have done your job correctly then you will have a balanced photo that will be amazing after some post editing.

It sucks for the average person, but you also have to have top of the line equipment.

Despite what people may tell you the camera and especially the lens makes all the difference.  We use the newest full frame cameras.  Full frame is a must to get the low noise and color depth to capture the images without using a flash.  On camera flash is the worst.  You may see people with the large flashes out there and they are effective if you really know how to use them.  My problem with the large off-camera flashes is that it is still really hot at photo time and people sweat and they limit your mobility.  My style of photography uses as many backgrounds as possible to maximize the photo session.  I think it gives the customer the most for their money.

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The Perfect Beach Session is waiting for you

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Photo Sessions on the beach in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach can last for a lifetime.



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